How my students cope while being at home during the pandemic
Hi class. I am curious to find out what each of you occupy your time while we are fulfilling our social responsibility in helping the nation to recover from the pandemic called Corona Virus.
Post in here on "How I spend my time during the Movement Control Order."

Please state your name and Class :)


  1. On the movement controls, I spend a lot of time with my family. I play indoor games like cards, chess and more. I'll also clean the house and help my mom cook. After cleaning and assisting my mother, I will review the lessons and practice the exercises provided by each subject teacher during the holidays. If I have time, I will play video games and interact with my friends through whatsapp. When I get bored, I'll keep up with the latest news and updates on current covid19 cases. I was worried that the number of cases would increase and the number of deaths would increase. I always hoped that the covid19 virus would end soon and that I would be able to go to school and meet up with friends as usual.
    -Intan 4Stem

  2. When movement control started i spend my time well with family. Cooking together, hear story from each other feels and rearrange something in my house. I also make revision a little to make me memorize something about subject. Not only that, i also playing with social media to release my stress. I hope this virus will decrease soon. I'm so tired being at home too long. Now i miss to wear school uniform. What important is we must clean our hand with water and hand sanitizer. Staysafe
    -Nabilah napiah- 5vk1

  3. A day before the movement control,my mom decided to stock up some food for incase bad news,so I accompany my mother the Batu Lancang market that near to our home.My mom bought a lot of solid food from it .Those include pumpkin,sweet potatoes ,carrot,rice and much else.I also fight for purchase my favorite food ,such as snacks、Candy、and also fruits.After my father back from his work,he felt buffling,he wonder why we will bought so huge amount of food to stock it up.One day during the boring period —movement control ,My father asked for dessert,we made our favorite dessert called “Tangyuan”.During the pandamic of corona,we keep checking the latest news for the quantities that been infected covid-19 .I spent my time at online tuition,playing online game ,doing Account’s folio,checking the task that sent in Whatsapp chat groups .I hope this kind of schedule can end as fast as possible.I hope every one can safe from this catastrophe.I hope all my family members can stay healthy .

  4. During the movement control, my family and i were doing a small gathering such as cooking, watching movies, play indoor games, and cleaning our house. Moreover, i also been doing some revision by online class and some school work. I also play video games, online at social media for releasing stress. I also will
    always keep an update about corona virus cases that keep spreads around the world. I am worrying because day by day there's a lot of death cases that caused by corona virus. I hope this cases end soon so that i can easily go to school and i also hope that my family, beloved friends and teachers, and everyone around the world are safe.


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