Green Screen Project in SMK Jelutong

I have started a mini project in my school which eventually lead me to initiate a multipurpose studio in the school. It started with my principal approving my idea of setting up a green screen section in the school computer lab. He too have financially supported the equipment needed to set up the section.

Eventually, with the help of few of my friends, I started to develop the section into a studio. I am still in the midst of setting up a recording a studio in the school. This is because I am working to get sponsors to buy more equipment.

Thats me and Frenzie setting up the computers. Finally found the CPU and the Monitor that we can use to operate the studio. However we are still in need of computers with latest OS.

Thats Fatin Nabilah helping me out with the computer. Very helpful and supportive of my ideas. Such a sweetheart!
Figuring out how to get this light working,

Its ready to be utilised still need the right kind of software to work with. (Awaiting sponsor)

Me and Fatin trying out the green screen. Having fun in the midst of it!
